“The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is, that one often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won’t.”
Henry Ward Beecher American Congregational preacher (1813–1887)
Yesterday we found a long lost key ring full of antique keys. I whooped and hollered because I knew this key ring held the ONLY key to unlocking an antique piece of furniture we have. So I happily went about the process of finding which key was “the” one.First I tried one, then another. Then the next, and so on. While trying the first 20 or so keys I was still smiling. By the time I got to about key number 25 my smile was beginning to falter and I was getting frustrated. When was I going to find the key I needed?You see, I had already forgotten the joy that came from finding the long lost ring of keys. I was already frustrated with the fact that there were so many keys to try.
When I read the Bible and see the accounts of the Israelite’s fickleness during the time immediately after God brought them out of slavery in Egypt and Eve’s grab for power in The Garden, I like to think how much better than them I am. It goes like this, “I would not forget what God had done so quickly.” “I would remember crossing the Sea on dry ground.” “I wouldn’t have fallen for Satan’s lies.” I like to think I am better than they were. I think I would have acted in a way that was more honoring to God. Yet, the keys prove me wrong! I am JUST like the Israelites! I am just like Eve! In Ecclesiastes 9:11 we read this: “I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” I have heard it paraphrased like this, “The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” I need to work on my faithfulness. Of course, I should have known. Why was I surprised? I know it is often the last key on the ring that unlocks the cupboard. So why did I forget? Life provides me with unlimited opportunities to work on my perseverance – like the keys. “Dear Lord, Thank you for the smile that the last key unlocking the cupboard brought to my face and thanks most of all for the thoughts about faithfulness. I want to learn and become more like you every day. Thanks for the lesson!” |